
成功大學臨床醫學所 誠徵研究助理(成大醫院門診大樓七樓7063實驗室-Dr. Michael Hughes)

成功大學臨床醫學所 Michael Hughes’ lab  誠徵研究助理

Application for assistant of the lab of regenerative medicine

in the Institute of Clinical Medicine of National Cheng Kung University


職務名稱 (Job title):研究助理兼行政助理 Research assistant and administrative assistant

工作地點(Work place):成大醫院門診大樓七樓7063實驗室 7063 Lab, 7F, Cheng Kung Hospital Outpatient Building

工作內容及具備條件 (Quality)

  1. 熟悉組織染色與判讀、分生技術之應用、共軛焦顯微鏡之使用 Histology, molecular biology, fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy skills
  1. 具操作實驗動物經驗 Animal handling experience and skill
  1. 具處理科技部計畫經驗 Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) grant administration
  1. 基本程度的英文能力 Read, write, and speak English
  1. 碩班畢業為佳 Master’s degree preferred

待遇 (Compensation):面議 Commensurate with experience

應徵方式 (Application method)

請以英文填寫個人履歷(包含已發表之期刊論文、會議論文、學位論文及過去工作經驗,或其他有利審查之文件)。並以email方式寄送上述文件,請註明 [應徵研究助理]


Please write your resume (including published papers, meeting papers, thesis, and work experience) in English and send it by e-mail. Please note the e-mail title with “Research assistant application.” We will arrange interview after reviewing your resume.

聯絡資訊 (Contact information)

楊馥瑄 小姐 (Miss Yang)  06-2353535 #3657    sunny0919218@gmail.com

Dr. Michael Hughes  06-2353535 #3657    z10608033@email.ncku.edu.tw
